In Malaga

MalagaMalaga Street Photography Malaga Street Photography Malaga Street Photography Malaga Street Photography

11 thoughts on “In Malaga

  1. Here we are again, with the shadow, which I think IS yours. I didn’t have the reaction that Alan did about the two women – it sisn’t seem necessarily that they were having a painful, intimate moment. Once again, you caught an interesting moment there. The photo with the two young women and older man is charming.

  2. Da hat man ja die Dinge fest im Griff 😉
    Ist das Gespräch so anstrengend, daß man sich festhalten muß. Nr. 2 find ich vom Ausdruck her sehr schön. Das hat was mit Trost und Zuversicht zu tun.
    Die Blumengrüße für die lieben Blogbesucher sind äußerst gelungen. Durch den Schatten glaubt man fast daß sie über der Strasse schweben 😉
    Der Herr im letzten Bild ganz rechts sollte langsam eine Toilette aufsuchen….
    LG kiki

    • Ja, ich wurde bei meinen Wanderungen durch Malagas Zentrum mit diesen Szenen belohnt. Ich hätte mich auch in ein Cafe setzen können, oder an die Hafenmole. Aber irgendwie geht das nicht, wenn ich weiß, daß es was zu fotografieren gibt. Seltsam …

  3. Nice to have you back Karl.

    Without the statue of Christ looking heavenward in #2, the image would feel invasive to me — the photographer gratuitously intruding on a moment of private grief. That small detail makes all the difference.

    #3 would be wonderful with only your intimidating shadow on the floral display. The dog in the background, oblivious to your presence, adds an especially nice touch.

    Finally, in #4, I’m delighted to see that the young woman on the right is wearing the same red sneakers I have. Can’t help imagining myself — only a few years younger than the man on the left — sitting on the bench instead and sporting the same pair of sneakers.

    • I’m glad to be back. It’s always nice to read your comments!

      Regarding the red sneakers you should have made the race. For sure. Red sneakers are magic.

      The light and shadow thing was kind of challenging. I did shoot another version of #3. It’s going to be posted later telling a very different story I believe.

      To me #2 is one of my better ones. And you are right, the statue of Christ made the picture. The women were joking. They are kind of imitated grief by being ironic. But that’s the secret behind the picture and will be published in my memories once I’m important enough to write them 😉

      Regards – Karl

      • 🙂

        Re #2: More evidence that a photo should never be trusted, even if it hasn’t been Photoshopped. With Christ in the background, the image would have been just as interesting — if not more so — had the women been laughing.

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