Street Photography im ländlichen Raum II

Pfälzer WaldPfälzer WaldPfälzer WaldPfälzer Wald

14 thoughts on “Street Photography im ländlichen Raum II

  1. Ich liebe diese Ländliche Raum-Serie(n). Du schaffst es mit dieser Bilderauswahl, die Essenz, dieses Grundgefühl in den Dörfern herauszuarbeiten. Unspektakulär, aber präzise. Sehr gut!

    • Danke! Für mich sind solche Bilder, die auf Wanderungen oder ausgedehnten Spaziergängen entstehen, Stimmungskonserve und Blickprotokoll in einem. Und damit es nicht langweilig wird beim Bilder machen und ich nicht zu sehr Gefahr laufe, mich zu wiederholen, suche ich immer nach einem bestimmten Dreh im Bild. Aber das kennst Du auch, denke ich. Ich meine, so etwas auch in Deinen Motiven zu erkennen. Gruß – KU

  2. Everything is so clean and perfect! Germany! 😉
    There are some great compositions here….the first and second photos especially. And the last one. In the second one it’s amazing how everything lined up – tell the truth, did you pose that man? 🙂 His leg as he steps, and the tool he carries echo the slant of the roof, the green underneath him is seen again far away. He is firmly rooted in his place.

    • From our urban viewpoint, the rural scenery is always linked to roots and sources. But it also shows so much about humans in general. The struggle against wilderness. The attempt to follow any development, without being too revolutionary. There is so much see: Changing shapes, the use of present materials, quoting modernity by pretending tradition, the attempt to install some beauty. Fascinating!

      • It’s interesting to think about your photography as story-telling, which it is, because it also has many formal concerns regarding composition, etc., which take it to another place. But it succeeds at both story telling and pure aesthetics. In the photo of the woman carrying the plants there’s that old, rooted tradition she’s following, as you say – it’s very clear. And how aware of that she is, it’s hard to say. The man in the second photo seems sheep-like in his efforts to conform to the suburban ideal, but who knows what he’s thinking either? I guess they both probably think of themselves as pretty traditional people, as long as it falls somewhere in the middle. And I guess the architect who designed the house on the right in the fifth photo was also acknowledging the tradition of the house on the left, right? A lot was lost in the process, I think. You framed the two homes so well, they talk to each other. Thanks for your reply, it made me think more about what you’re doing. 🙂 Have a good weekend! I hope it’s not too hot!

        • Hm. I had to think about your comment. Putting pictures into words is not easy. But you did it very well. Thanks a lot. Regarding the picture with the two houses your words are very true. A lot was lost in the process of transition. And that’s a fascinating topic I’m thinking about while hiking through rural areas. The Pfälzer Wald wasn’t an exaption. – By the way, there had been a US-Army base until the 90ties. The soldiers left behind a some huge bunker and certain gap: Lots of pubs and inns had to shut down, because there is a lack of customers since the US-Army left… Closed pubs, that’s bad for hikers 😉
          Regards – KU

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