Mehr Athen!







6 thoughts on “Mehr Athen!

  1. I love the composition of the first image: the thin layer of humanity, the ancient temple rising above the crowds, and the biggest layer: the sky. Did someone see almost the same scene as you saw 2,000 years ago? (without the baseball caps & sunglasses!) or maybe it wasn’t until much later that large crowds of people were allowed that close. For the second photo did you wish a third girl would sit back under the trees with her phone? 😉 Maybe she’s there, behind the tree on the right.
    The heat is palpable in the fourth photo. Does the 5th depict a modern goddess?
    It’s wonderful that these ancient sites have lasted so long, I suppose because of the dry climate and people’s respect for them.
    Greetings from the PNW, Karl. 🙂

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