Und wieder welche aus Rom

Rom_5 P1014605

Rom_5 P1014636

Rom_5 P1014555

Rom_5 P1014574

Rom_5 P1014609

Rom_5 P1014643

8 thoughts on “Und wieder welche aus Rom

  1. I love the guy behind the screen in the first photo, strangely echoed by the woman with the baby carriage. Strange echoes, that’s Karl’s specialty! 😉 Great window reflection!! Funny pigeon taking center stage (and what a beautiful curved bench that is!). Very nice black and white.

    • Dear Lynn, thank you for your friendly words. Rome is a wonderful place for street photography. You can drift at your leisure and be cher that anything is happening. The bench is really great. Sadder is another observation: people are more and more absorbed by their smartphones, news and social networks. At some point, as a photographer, you don’t want to take pictures of people walking, standing or sitting with their heads down any more, unless they are reading the newspaper 😉 Greetings – Karl

      • I can believe you about Rome being fun for street photography. Maybe we’ll get there someday. And of course, everyone’s glued to their phone. The worst is when parents of small kids pay more attention to the phone than the child, ugh! What does that teach the child?
        Reading an actual newspaper is becoming rare. I don’t subscribe to one but I love the New York Times, having read it for so many years, and the bookstore/cafe that I go to every day has it. I like to sit there and read a little, even though I may have already read some articles at home on my computer. Holding a newspaper is still one of those sensual pleasures that I value.
        I think the careful folding of a large newspaper so you can read what you’re interested in while you ride on the subway is a lost art. I need to get back to NYC so I can confirm that. 😉
        I hope you’re having a good summer, Karl!

        • Dear Lynn, you are absolutely right. It’s sad to see parents prefer to deal with their smartphones and let their kids struggle. For the kids, that means competition for attention. And that can go really wrong in the long run. – Having once started an apprenticeship as a bookseller, I know what you mean when you rave about bookstores. To this day, I still occasionally buy a printed book. But I’m also moving more and more to my e-reader. Usefulness beats beauty here. But please don’t tell anyone 😉 If you ever have the chance to see Rome, take it. Regards – Karl

          • 🙂 It’s interesting that you thought about being a bookseller…I still buy books frequently but if the perfect store wasn’t nearby, maybe I wouldn’t. They have an excellent selection and since they’re a used bookstore, they buy books from anyone. They buy most of the books I bring them, giving me a store credit to apply to future books (not coffee, too bad!). A nice revolving door. I couldn’t get used to the ereader. We’ll have to think about Italy…and there’s Spain, Portugal, Greece…so many countries. Not to mention Australia, Asia, South America. 😉

            • Right, but you’re going to Iceland. That’s already a very good choice. – I preferred to spend my time in the bookstore as a customer and not as a salesperson. Books still have their charm. I bought a small collection of photo books, although you can look at most of the pictures on the Internet. But in that case, I still find the book more appealing.

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